Ryan Adams and The Cardinals at the Missouri Theatre on Thursday, February 26th
Thursday, February 26th
Nike+: 4.01 @36:27 (9:04/mile)
Gear: Shorts, white short-sleeve shirt, **NEW shoes**
Weather: about 60 degrees
Although my Nike watch read 4.01 miles, I'm pretty sure I ran somewhere closer to 4.28. I wore my new Nike shoes and have not calibrated the new sensor. I think I ran close to an 8:30/mile pace.
This was a difficult run for me. My legs hurt pretty good and I found my breathing to be somewhat difficult, but at least I was out there. I ran with Dark Horse and followed his lead -he had a great line about how it's probably a good thing we didn't know each other back in the day. I think he may be on to something. But on the flip side, life is long. We still gotz some room for memories (maybe just not mammories).
After the run, I went home and walked Sly. About 1/2 way through the walk, the rain came down. We got soaked, but Sly didn't seem to mind. I wanted to make sure he stretched his legs before we left the house and went to see Ryan Adams at the Missouri Theatre.
Because we arrived at the concert an hour early, Mary, Dark Horse and I decided to go to Shakespeare's. There, I saw Mary Kay Blakely. It was great to see her. We invited her to the crib on Rothwell for dinner. She's still working on her book and expects to travel this summer - outside of the U.S. Maybe South America? She introduced me to her brother and told him about me reading her book during my honeymoon in St. Thomas.
Once Kristina showed up, we finished our business and went to the show. Ryan Adams compared the concert to an NPR experience. He's right. People sat in their chairs and nodded their heads. Kind of calm, but good nonetheless. Mary and I sat next to the sound guy and everything hit us in the chest. It was a good show. Sometimes there's nothing better than sitting in the dark and listening to music.
After Ryan finished (no encore), we went to Snapper's and met up with Jason, Kristina, Kevin Crowe and his girlfriend. We stayed until 11:45 and then went home. I was kind of tired this morning. I didn't eat much last night and my muscles are sore. I need to re-group.
Dark Horse and I ate Chipotle for lunch.
This weekend = 16 miler (and True/False Film Festival)
I also just found out that the Arrow Rock book is up for consideration in the PIctures of the Year International Book Award Category. We'll see what happens. I doubt it'll do anything.