Posscoon in Indiana (post-run)
Tuesday, February 24th
Nike+: 4.08 @ 34:21 (8:24/mile)
Gear: Tights, black/red long sleeve top, neon cap
Weather: lower to mid-40's
I intentionally over-dressed for this run because I haven't been feeling too well that past couple of days and I wanted to be sure and stay warm. I even took off of work on Monday and 1/2 day on Tuesday. I'm not sure what illness I suffer from but I sure as hell hope it's not similar to last year when I was basically sick for 6 weeks. I think I've got some serious allergy issues and running in the wind on Saturday for more than 2 hours probably didn't help. I basically stayed horizontal all day Sunday and Monday. Now I'm dealing with a sore throat, runny rose, aching body and the beginning of a cough. I have got to shake this shit and move forward.
Met up with Posscoon at his cavern after work and changed clothes there before hitting the trail for a 4-miler. We talked about our respective 15 mile runs. Ol' Posscoon ran 15 miles into the wind when he went to Indiana this past weekend - snow in his face and everything. He said he alternated putting his hand over his eyes the latter part of the run until he finished and his friends met him at a bar where a Vietnam Vet bought him a couple shots of whiskey.
Our 4-miler was pretty straight forward w/ not much to report, although Posscoon did have some serious chafing issues and had to run bow-legged for awhile.
We ran all 4 miles on the trail. Started at the point where Posscoon's neighborhood intersects the MKT and headed west until we hit Forum.
Felt good to stretch the legs.
After the run, I went to El Maguey on Broadway (across from Hy-Vee) to pick up some chicken fajitas to-go. The guy at the register asked me if I'm still running. I asked him how he knew that I was a runner. He said that he's seen me at a few runs - First Night 5K and the Columbia 1/2 Marathon. I told him that I was training for a full marathon in St. Louis. He said that he'd like to do the Heart of America this year. I told him he should do it - especially since it's the 50th anniversary of the run. Speaking of which, I was contacted by some members of the Columbia Track Club who want to use my photos from last year's Heart of America race in this year's brochure. The guy's name at El Maguey is Pepe. I told him I'd see him on da' streets.
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