Running Deer and Posscoon (he just got hitched)
Nike+: 3.04 @ 25:32 (8:22/mile)
Weather: about 50 degrees
Because the weather was so nice, I ran with Posscoon - outside stylie. We tried to recruit Dark Horse but he gave us some shit about how he loves the inside track at the Rec. Or was it something about a whip with a female on the end of it? I can't remember.
Anyway, Posscoon and I started running from his driveway. About 1/4 later, we jumped on the MKT trail and headed west. I was curious about how my Nike+ system would work on the trail. Fortunately, it worked perfectly and seems to be calibrated just right. This is good news b/c it means that I'm running about the exact distance that my watch reads.
This was a good run and everything felt to be in working order. We even had daylight.
Nic and I chatted most of the way. He took pity on me and kept things at my pace.
Tomorrow is Saturday which means we have a long run. The upside = nice weather. The downside = 1/2 marathon. We're going to re-trace the Columbia Half-Marathon that all 3 of us have run in the past. I am thinking about taking things a little slower and trying to mimic my goal marathon pace, but we'll just have to see what happens.
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