Posscoon, Dark Horse and Running Deer

9.34 miles at 1:20:26 (8:36/mile)
On Saturday, we met at 10 a.m. at Scott and the MKT for our long run - a 9 miler to end our 4th week. The temperature was about 27 degrees w/ a 15 degree windchill. There were even snow flurries in the air and light accumulation on the trail. Nic, Jason, Mary and I all started together and ran the first mile as a pack. High on caffeine pills, Mary sped up and ran ahead of us until she hit the halfway mark for her run - somewhere between 3.5 and 4.0 miles out. The men in black ran about another .75 miles to McBaine where we turned around. Nic and Jason ran together while I served as the anchor man behind them. Along the way, we experienced snow and wind in our face. The terrain of bike tire rivets challenged my feet and occasionally caused me to twist and turn, but all in all, I laughed and enjoyed some Mistress for Christmas on my iPod. The scenery of open landscape was surprisingly inspiring as I trudged along in the middle of rural America.
As I neared mile 7 and went from heading north to heading east, Jason and Nic increased their distance from me. I could still see them, but only as distant vertical black matchsticks.
At mile 8, my upper legs began to tighten up a little and I unzipped my black top to cool down my upper body. As I neared the end, Johnny Cash's Running Kind came on and it was all good. Mary cheered me on to the finish line where everyone seemed to be in good spirits. She bought us Gatorade's and I drank a blue one.
Nic, Mary and I then went to Kostaki's for a post-run meal while Jason headed back to his crib. I ate a gyro and fries, and drank a couple bottles of goodness.
Later, I celebrated my mom's birthday in Arrow Rock with Mary, Abby and her mom.
Have to say it was a good day. Didn't even have to use my AK.
Nice post. It was definitely an inspiring day. Ready for the 10 miler next week!